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e; e = e.offsetParent) x += e.offsetLeft; return x } function offsetTop(el) { y = el.offsetTop for (e = el.offsetParent; e; e = e.offsetParent) y += e.offsetTop; return y } function startWord(ih, i) { for(tag = false; i < ih.length; i++) { c = ih.charAt(i) if(c == '<') tag = true if(!tag) return i if(c == '>') tag = false } return -1 } function endWord(ih, i) { nonSpace = false space = false while(i < ih.length) { c = ih.charAt(i) if(c != ' ') nonSpace = true if(nonSpace && c == ' ') space = true if(c == '<') return i if(space && c != ' ') return i i++ } return -1 } function outWord(ih, i1, i2, dyn, anim) { if(dyn) outString += "<SPAN " + dynamicanimAttr + "="" + anim + "" style="position: relative; left: 10000;">" outString += ih.substring(i1, i2) if(dyn) outString += "</SPAN>" } function animate() { el = animateElements[currentElement] animation = el.getAttribute(dynamicanimAttr, false) step++ if(animation == "spiral") { steps = stepsSpiral v = step/steps rf = 1.0 - v t = v * 2.0*Math.PI rx = Math.max(Math.abs(el.initLeft), 200) ry = Math.max(Math.abs(el.initTop), 200) el.style.posLeft = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.cos(t)*rx) el.style.posTop = Math.ceil(-rf*Math.sin(t)*ry) } else if(animation == "zoomIn") { steps = stepsZoom el.style.fontSize = Math.ceil(50+50*step/steps) + "%" el.style.posLeft = 0 } else if(animation == "zoomOut") { steps = stepsZoom el.style.fontSize = Math.ceil(100+200*(steps-step)/steps) + "%" el.style.posLeft = 0 } else { steps = stepsFly if(animation == "dropWord" || animation == "flyTopRightWord" || animation == "flyBottomRightWord") steps = stepsWord dl = el.initLeft / steps dt = el.initTop / steps el.style.posLeft = el.style.posLeft - dl el.style.posTop = el.style.posTop - dt } if (step >= steps) { el.style.posLeft = 0 el.style.posTop = 0 currentElement++ step = 0 } if(currentElement < animateElements.length) window.setTimeout("animate();", speed) } //--> </SCRIPT>
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